Friday, May 6, 2011


Running is pretty much out at this point in my life. My knee just isn't getting stronger, though I will continue to build the muscle with my personal trainer. I'm also continuing to take spin classes at the gym.

Not running has made me quite antsy, so I've taken up a new sport - GOLF! For the past two weekends, I've been hitting up the driving range with my husband. Tomorrow, I officially start lessons.

I have a few cute golf outfits, including blue plaid capri pants and a pink plaid visor (not to be worn together). Depending on how into I get, I plan to purchase clubs and a pink golf bag. I may not be the best golfer on the course, but I'll look good trying!

All kidding aside, my goal is to be able to play a full round of golf with my husband during our summer vaca to St. Kitts this July.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


JoJo and I got to the start line for the 5k on Saturday and the skies opened up. It was cold and nasty, therefore, we bailed. Yes, we were actually at the race and ditched it for the warmth of Starbucks.

Now it's Passover, so I'm not sure how much working out my stomach can handle. But Ben and I are only a couple hundred dollars away from our fundraising goal!!!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Runnin' in Wrigley

Okay, so I may not be able to run a half marathon or anymore than six miles without being in extreme knee pain. But I can attempt to run three and that I will do a week from Saturday when I run the "Race to Wrigley" 5K in Chicago! Stay tuned to see how that goes. I have a feeling the drinking after at Murphy's will go better than the race itself!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Sad News

It is with great sadness that I inform you (although most of you already know this since my blog readership is two - my husband and brother), that I had to withdraw from the half marathon. My knees cannot support me running anything more than five miles.

I'm still fundraising for Crohn's cause to my knowledge there still is no cure. So please support my cause because my husband will be running in my honor -

I had a very successful jewelry fundraiser last week. We raised over $200 (granted that's about what I spent on jewelry, but hey, it's a win-win).

So as you can imagine, I'm a little down cause I am no longer running. I did hit the gym 6 of 7 days this week, including an hour and a half spin class. I'm trying hard to build up the muscle again in my legs and see if maybe one day in the future I can run a half again.

In the meantime, I looking for a new hobby to cheer myself up. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

Friday, March 18, 2011

A year older

Do I look any different? Since my last post, I've turned a year older and yet I'm none the wiser.

The day before my birthday, I got in an almost 6 mile run. Go me! That's way more than I ran all of last year. I'm not going to lie and say it was easy. But I've found two people on the team that are my pace, so it's made coming to practice a lot more enjoyable.

This weekend the team is running a 5k. Since I've participated in many races, I decided not do the 5k. Honestly, it's my least favorite distance and I don't want to risk injury at this stage of the game. So instead, I'm heading up to NYC for a visit with one of my best friends. I'm sure she is going to make me run around the city, so I've packed my running shoes. I promise a full report of our shenanigans in the next posting. Stay tuned...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Week 4: Motivation!

I believe that anyone can complete a half marathon. All you need is MOTIVATION.

Motivation seems to be what I've been lacking the past three weeks. But as of this weekend, I'm back! Fully motivated mentally and getting there physically to take on my fifth half marathon.

The running bug is back! I did 40 minutes with the group on Saturday. Not going to lie it was killer due to my lack of motivation and physical activity the prior week. I huffed and puffed most of the way, but in the end, I ran the entire time.

Then, this morning, I hopped on the treadmill and ran the entire time again! It felt so good (minus a some minor knee pain at the beginning, but once I found my groove I was good to go).

I have to admit, I had an excellent play list this morning. As you may recall, several years ago, when I was training for my first half marathon, I decided to go cold turkey and ditch the music. I'm not planning to run this half marathon with music, but for my shorter, midweek runs, it helps right now.

Songs that got me motivated this morning:
Fireworks by Katy Perry
Just the Way You are by Bruno Mars
Born this Way by Lady Gaga
What the Hell by Avril Lavigne
Raise your Glass by Pink
Kids by MGMT
*Pretty much anything on the top 100 itunes chart!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Am I Alone?

For almost 20 years of my life, I didn't really know anyone my own age with Crohn's disease. I got to talk with anyone who actually understood what I was experiencing, share war stories, or swamp information about different medication.

I always wondered how I would explain to a boyfriend that I had Crohn's. Then I met my husband and around our third date, I decided to share my secret. A secret that affected almost every aspect of my life. I was relieved to learn that his best friend from high school had Crohn's and she was also a nurse. We instantly formed a bond.

Around the same time, I got involved with CCFA's Team Challenge. Over the last three years, I have been fortunate enough to meet several people my age, who have had similar experiences with their disease. It's comforting to know others like me and hear how they overcome Crohn's each day.

During this week's training session, I ran with a fellow mentor, who recently hasn't been feeling 100%. We were able to share our experiences on the same medication. It not only made the run go by fast, but it was nice to hear stories that sound so familiar to my own. And that we were both running to escape.

This is why I love Team Challenge because I am able to meet others and know that I am not alone.

Training Update: The week three group run was cold again. But once we got moving, we warmed up quick. I ended up pounding the pavement for just over 43 minutes. I walked a little, which I was anticipating since I had not worked out at all in 9 days. I'm hoping to get one mid-week training run in, cause I find running once a week is extremely difficult.

Fundraising Update: $250! I'm having a Stella & Dot Jewelry and Wine party fundraiser on Sunday, March 27. 20% of the proceeds will benefit Team Challenge. If you can't make it but would like to purchase jewelry, click here. When promoted for a hostess, type "Erin's Team Challenge Fundraiser."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 2 Hiccup

I would like to just pretend week 2 didn't exist. It's been well over a week since I've run, do to a minor hiccup last Thursday night/Friday morning. I ended up in the ER with horrible stomach pain. After about 8 hours in the ER, I was diagnosed, however, unhappy with their prognosis. Everything's okay, I'll spare you the details. Just waiting on a follow-up appointment with my doctor to get all my meds straightened out.

I spent the entire weekend sleeping, after being awake for over 30 hours. I'm definitely planning to take it easy this week, but I'm hoping I can make the training session this Saturday (I may have to walk, which wouldn't be a totally disappointment).

I missed, what was supposed to be, an amazing weekend in Charlottesville. Such is life when you have Crohn's disease. I'm just really sick of being sick. Three of seven weekends this year, I haven't been 100%. Not really liking 2011 so far.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Training: Week 1

Training session #1 was a huge success, in that I was able to run the entire time with NO knee pain. I think this was partly due to the short distance and the 30 degree temp. I wasn't really able to feel my knees, so that helped!

Following the first training run, Team Challenge and coach Kevin led a shoe clinic. It was very informative for the new participants. I was reminded that it's better to get a good pair of shoes at the beginning of the training, then have to buy a couple pairs of cheaper shoes.

I was fitted for my new shoes and I ended up going back to New Balances, the very first brand I ever ran in! They have a whole new line out and they are pretty light weight, yet well cushioned. Just what I needed. I did learn that I no longer pronate and that the surgery helped neutralize my running.

I won't be attending the official week two practice with Team Challenge because I'm going on a "couples" retreat to Charlottesville. However, I am looking forward to getting a short run in this week.

My plan is to run once a week until March, when I will slowly ad in one or two weekday runs. My hope is that by easing into the training, I will avoid further injury to my knees. Plus, I'm still doing Bikram yoga, personal training, and spinning to help build up my running strength.

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Crohn's Story

For those who don't know how Crohn's has affected my life and why I started running, I would like to share my life experiences:

13.1 miles...15 days - what do they have in common? No, it does not take me 15 days to run 13.1 miles. At age 7, after being sick for nearly two months (and missing a month and half of second grade), I was unable to walk, and my parents carried me into the Cleveland Clinic. Not knowing what was wrong, I went through 8 days of tests in the hospital - but still no diagnosis and I was only getting sicker. Following countless tests and blood work, a colonoscopy determined my fate. I was told I had Crohn's.

I never fully grasped how sick I was until the diagnosis came and I could see the relief on my parents’ faces. As a 7 year old, I had no idea how this disease would impact my life. I just remember being put on medication and feeling 100 times better. I thought that would do the trick, and that I would be fine. When I left the hospital after 15 days, the doctors told my family there would a cure for Crohn's disease in my lifetime.

Crohn's disease had an impact on almost every aspect of my life. I struggled in school because of a learning disability related to having an illness. My father had to drive up to Canada one summer to pick me up early from sleepover camp due to a flare-up. Socially, it was hard for me to explain to my friends in middle school why my body was as round as a balloon (thanks to the steroids).

No matter how sick I was feeling, my parents were always there by my side. When I left for college, I still didn't fully understand the disease and the affect it could have on my body until the end of my first semester of freshman year. I wore my body down so much that I had to go home before taking finals. The doctors loaded me up on medication that made me feel even worse.

I returned to school the following semester, determined to take better care of myself. Two summers later I returned home to visit my doctor. He told me my blood work was still indicating active disease and I had to choose between a new drug, fully of uncertainty or surgery. Surgery soon became my only option. I had six inches of my intestine removed and the recovery was painful. I remember thinking I would never get out of bed again.

A month later, I was fully recovered and ready to head back for my junior year of college. Later that year, I was hospitalized again. I was scared that the surgery hadn't worked. I did not want to go back on steroids. Thankfully, this time an antibiotic did the trick.

I have shared all the scary and horrifying moments that this disease has brought to my life. However, most days I'm a normal 28 (almost 29) year marketing professional and wife, who loves to shop, ski, run, and cheer for the Cleveland Indians & Green Bay Packers. Daily medication keeps my disease under control almost 85% of the time, along with a constantly changing diet.

Following college, I began running. I was not much of an athlete as a child, but loved sports. While preparing to run the National Half Marathon in 2007, I was hospitalized with a bowel obstruction preventing me from continuing my training that year. The following year, feeling 100%, I was able to re-train for the 13.1 mile race and cross the finish line!

I have no idea how long I will be healthy before the next flare-up. But, I make sure to take full advantage of everyday that I am not on steroids, am not in the hospital, or don’t have tremendous stomach pain. My friends and I even put a positive spin on going to the bathroom, referring to it as "winning the game."

Running has become my escape from Crohn's. I feel like a normal, healthy person when I cross the finish line at a race and feel like I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. In July 2009, I ran with CCFA's Team Challenge, completing my third or four half marathons.

Sitting at the Inspirational Pasta Party the night before the race, surrounded by 550 other runners impacted by these diseases, I felt even more confident that there will be a cure in my lifetime. Running 13.1 miles is nothing like spending 15 days in a hospital or having surgery. By running we are getting us one step closer to that cure.

Together we can cross that finish line and ensuring that one day soon there will be a cure for Crohn’s.

Thanks for your support!

One-Day until Training

I can't believe tomorrow I become a runner again! After a year hiatus for knee surgery, I'm starting back at square one with a two mile run.

Two miles - in 2009, I would have said that's a not a workout and would have ran an extra couple on my own without the group. Two years late, two miles sounds like a lot for my recovering knee to handle. My goal is to at least jog the whole thing. I really don't want to have to walk. But, I honestly have no idea what it will feel like when I actually start tomorrow.

I'm excited for my fourth season with Team Challenge, the DC/VA chapter is over 100 runners strong and is looking like the biggest chapter in the country (which is fitting since this is a home race for us).

Wish me luck as I train for my fifth half marathon (and probably my last depending on the toll it takes on my knees).

Monday, January 31, 2011

No more treadmills

And just like that I'm done with treadmills. My feet hurt like hell this morning. So I was over and done 20 minutes later and settled for 30 minutes on the elliptical. Which was very painful, cause my feet were still in pain from the pounding they took for the previous workout.

I'm not even sure how my first outdoor training run will be, since my shoes are just too old. Our shoe clinic isn't until after the run, so the first week I may just be walking.

Until February 12, I'll just continue with hot yoga, personal training and spinning.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Apparently, before you officially start training for a race, you should do some "pre-training." Our coaches have been handing out the pretraining schedules at all the Team Challenge info sessions. I decided this morning (thanks to a work snow delay) that maybe I should actually try running again.

June 4, 2010 I had minor knee surgery that kept me from running the second half of 2009 and all of 2010. The Wine Country Half Marathon on June 4, 2011 is my comeback race!

Okay back to this morning...

So I hopped on the treadmill (in my very old running shoes) unsure of what would come out of the next 35 minutes. I ended up feeling great, knees and all. I had some minor foot pain when I was done but I'm attributing that to the shoes - which will be replaced at my first official training run on February 12.

All in all, this pre-training thing ain't so bad. I hope to get in a few more really short runs prior to training and will continue building up my knee strength with weights and balance activities.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Super Bowl 45

I'll be the first to admit, after two concussions to QB Aaron Rodgers, I had sort of written off the Packers for the season. But when they beat Chicago in the final week of the regular season, I could tell something magically was about to happen.

I'm pretty much the most superstitious person you will ever meet. So for about 3 and half hours yesterday, I did not move from my spot on the couch. I let my husband move only a couple times, once to check on dinner and the other to check my pulse. I'll admit, I cried when they won. I am that person that cries during sporting events (for both wins and losses).

I share an office with someone from Pittsburgh, so this is going to be a pretty interesting two weeks!

Who's hosting a super bowl party? And is there room for my cheese head? (what real packers fan doesn't have one!)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm Back

I just signed up for another season of CCFA's Team Challenge. This season I will play the role of both mentor and honored teammate. Get excited Team DC as we will be running a brand new race in wine country Virginia (hence the new background on this blog). Nothing gets me more excited then the thought of crossing the finish line after running 13.1 miles and immediately diving into some wine tasting!

So it's official, I'm a blogger again. I graduated with an MBA in May and then got married in November, so now I have a lot of free time on my hands. Which means lots of time for reading, running and of course blogging!